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Converge Technology Solutions Corp T.CTS

Alternate Symbol(s):  CTSDF

Converge Technology Solutions Corp. is a services-led, software-enabled, information technology (IT) and cloud solutions provider. Its global approach delivers advanced analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), application modernization, cloud platforms, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, and digital workplace offerings to clients across various industries. It supports these solutions with advisory, implementation, and managed services across all IT vendors in the marketplace. Its segments include Converge Hybrid IT Solutions (Converge), and Portage Software-as-a-Solution (SaaS) Solutions. Converge is focused on delivering advanced analytics, application modernization, cloud, cybersecurity, digital infrastructure, digital workplace, and managed services offerings and provision of hardware and software products and solutions to clients across various industries and organizations. SaaS is focused on digital transactions between individuals, businesses, and government organizations.

TSX:CTS - Post by User

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  • Possibleidiot01X
Post by Possibleidiot01on Nov 19, 2024 12:35am
Post# 36319156

Trevor Rose's Insights - WATCH

Trevor Rose's Insights - WATCH
Trevor Rose’s Insights - Trevor’s most-liked answers from 5i Research Average target is now $5.04. Post-earnings, Scotiabank lowered its rating from $5 to $4. At less than 9X earnings it certainly can still be called cheap. Q3 results showed EPS of 12c, beating estimates of 9.5c. Revenue of $630.7M slightly missed estimates of $639.7M. EBITDA missed estimates by 14%. Guidance was mostly inline with estimates. Q3 sales fell 8.9% and we certainly would prefer to see this trend reverse. The CC did not add a whole lot. The CEO/Board transition is ahead of plan. CTS continues to return capital to shareholders (buybacks and dividends). CTS is not seeing attractive acquisitions and prefers to buyback its stock over making a mis-priced deal. With rising cash flow conversion the balance sheet is in much better shape, with net debt less than six months of cash flow now. This 'should' help the valuation multiple over time.

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