Post by
blackspade799 on Aug 29, 2021 9:37am
CURA Undervalued and Under estimated by the Market Makers
Curaleaf is in the Cannabis Phama Business(PTSD, epilepsy, arthritis ect..), Edibiles, Smokeables, Cosmetic (Creams, Lotions ect..) And they are one of the largest Manufactures & Wholesalers of Cannabis in the world.
Cuarleaf is doubling sales YoY. YOU can NOT get that RoI in Real Estate, or Bitcoin. There is no industry on plannet earth that will continue to see parabolic growth like cannabis will be seeing.
CURA will continue to see these massive numbers till 2025-26 in the U.S. and Will then see its EU division take off, which is 3x the size of the U.S. market. CURA is an easy $200+ a share in the next few years. We haven't yet seen the Green Explosion, like Tech, Bitcoin and Real Estate have all gone through. get in and hold on tight :)
Comment by
blackspade799 on Aug 31, 2021 9:13am
Impressive network of companies and still growing;