Post by
Duster340 on Jan 06, 2022 9:41am
Buying On The DIP
friday job numbers are expected to be very good. likely a strong up day
Comment by
Sampic on Jan 06, 2022 9:46am
Interest rates going up people moving cash to Berkshire and banks.Need legislation look for pardon announcement safe banking next 30 day's.I bought some more today price is a blessing we will have our day.
Comment by
Headhunter on Jan 06, 2022 6:05pm
If the numbers are good it will put upward pressure on bond yeilds and if the 10 year pops above 1.75% it will be bad for the Tech, and Growth stocks. We will know at 8:30 EST.
Comment by
Sampic on Jan 06, 2022 6:58pm
There going to raise rates bro have no choice otherwise we're going into a resession.The good thing is msos have the same growth rate as top tech companies but at way lower valuations way lower.Like I said the world is embracing cannabis and Curaleaf is the world leader.Our time will come.