Post by SIMPLICITI1on May 28, 2024 8:50am

Post# 36060007
Something to Think About....
Something to Think About....dynaCERT has been making the same fuel savings claims (which equate to CO2 reductions) for the last 10 to 15 years. In other words, dynaCERT has not been testing against the latest class 6,7 & 8 diesel technology. Nor have they been releasing data on how the widget works on modern trucks.
Since then Diesel engine improvements, better fuels, GHG capture technologies, have already achieved better results than those put forward in dynaCERT's original claims.
Volvo trucks is now touting a further 5% reduction in CO2 in their new models.
Get where I am going with this?
Is there still a market opportunity for the widget beyond those "older" diesel vehicles?
My bet is Payne et al, see the writing on the wall, so what to do with a widget that as currently engineered offers little to no environmental or financial benefit.