Comment by
bambam98ca on Feb 05, 2013 8:57am
needed cash to keep it alive with all the money they paid themselves during several years they can do that
Comment by
MoneyK on Feb 18, 2013 1:40pm
Si j'étais un gros gestionnaire d'immeubles ou futur gros acheteur de filtres, je voudrais définitivement investir 10 millions dans l'entreprise pour minimiser mon coût d'achat en profitant de l'augmentation du cours de l'action. J'espère que c'est la stratégie qui est en place. MoneyK
Comment by
venture4500 on Feb 18, 2013 3:39pm
Tu comprends aussi que sa fait 5 ans qu'on en reve.... en ce qui me concerne its over
Comment by
venture4500 on Feb 19, 2013 9:04am
TORONTO, Feb. 19, 2013 /CNW/ - DELISTING REVIEW Noveko International Inc. (the "Company") - TSX is reviewing the Class A Shares (Symbol: EKO) of the Company with respect to meeting the continued listing requirements. The Company has been granted 30 days in which to regain compliance with these requirements, pursuant to the Remedial Review Process