Comment by Countrygenton May 14, 2024 12:32pm

Post# 36039047
RE:RE:We Have Liftoff
RE:RE:We Have LiftoffThanks, we are both thinking the same thing.
CU has predictably whipsawed back to the $4.92 range - this was a hot session of trading on Comex.
Personally, even if it takes a few more days, weeks or months I believe the price is headed towards $6 and perhaps beyond. The market needs the incentive to bridge the demand/supply gap. All good for ETG, as is other heat being applied.
Seems the major catalyst today was Anglo American taking the radical move of committing to selling DeBeers and maintaining their copper assets, and rebuffing BHP's 34 billion offer to buy them out (and sell DeBeers). Diamonds or copper? Seems like copper is the darling right now.
There will be some more aggressive deal attempts in the CU space for sure. All good for us.