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Entree Resources Ltd T.ETG

Alternate Symbol(s):  ERLFF

Entree Resources Ltd. is a Canadian mining company. The Company is focused on the development and exploration of mineral property interests. The Company is principally focused on its Entree/Oyu Tolgoi JV Property in Mongolia. The Entree/Oyu Tolgoi joint venture property includes Lift 1 and Lift 2 of the Hugo North Extension copper-gold deposit, the Heruga copper-gold-molybdenum deposit, and a large underexplored, highly prospective land package. The Oyu Tolgoi project comprises two separate land holdings: the Entree/Oyu Tolgoi JV Property, which is a partnership between Entree and OTLLC, and the Oyu Tolgoi mining license, which is held by OTLLC. The Entree/Oyu Tolgoi JV Property comprises the eastern portion of the Shivee Tolgoi mining license and all the Javhlant mining license. The Company has a 56.53% interest in the Blue Rose Joint Venture. The Company has an interest in acquiring a 0.5% net smelter return royalty on the Canariaco copper project in Northern Peru.

TSX:ETG - Post by User

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  • CountrygentX
Comment by Countrygenton Sep 19, 2024 12:54am
Post# 36230368

RE:Share Price

RE:Share Price


52 week high?  I think more like 12 years?  What is that, 624 weeks?!!  And given the dilution the market cap high must go back a bit further still.

Reading the last NR over there are a few upcoming drill result possibilities that might goose things up sooner rather than later.  OT and the JV in particular is still very much underexplored.  Ioft 2 looks like it might be deeper and expanded, and additional resources added as metals prices increase cut-off grades.  The long awaited northern extension of Lift 2 (potentially a significant doubling of the strike length or more?) beyond any intervening fault displacement might be proven.  And up at the Airport and Ulan Khud to the north there will be follow-up drilling to try and determine what those anomalous copper and gold showings might be.  A shallow economic deposit up there could be a big deal.  You never know.

Now world markets and economic conditions don't let us down!


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