Comment by stokpikeron Nov 05, 2024 9:18am

Post# 36296772
RE:RE:RE:RE:Full Disclosure Time
RE:RE:RE:RE:Full Disclosure TimeThat has always concerned me, a 'special' deal for HCU/Sandstorm so they benefit from ongoing value growth while retail get taken out as cheap as possible. I've been involved in buyouts where that happened, a back room deal for the big shareholders that ties them to RIO
I'm hoping our unknown large shareholders have some influence over the outcome in a way that benefits us all.
OR I'm hoping RIO brings in another major partner to speed up dev at OT and part of the entry price is for the new partner to take out ETG. They would pay fair value for ETG which puts cash in RIO pocket and benefits Gov of Mong with faster dev and more near term cash flow. RIO will have to start releasing drill results and plans to get fair value for ETG