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Evolve Ether ETF CAD Unhedged T.ETHR

Alternate Symbol(s):  T.ETHR.U | EVOEF

The Ether ETF's (the Fund) investment objective is to provide unitholders with exposure to the daily price movements of the U.S. dollar price of Ether while experiencing minimal tracking error by utilizing the benefits of the creation and redemption processes offered by the exchange traded fund structure. To achieve its investment objectives, ETHR will invest in long-term holdings of Ether, purchased through Gemini Nustar LLC and/or other reputable Ether trading platforms (referred to as digital asset trading platforms or Ether trading platforms) and OTC counterparties, in order to provide investors with a convenient, secure alternative to a direct investment in Ether. ETHR will not speculate with regard to short-term changes in Ether prices.

TSX:ETHR - Post by User

Post by brent11on May 06, 2021 12:03pm
Post# 33141122


Etherium up 70% overnight and 20% last hour and this ETF is up....2.5 % ....DUH? Takes time for investors I guess. This train is going to leave the station. Are you on it?
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