Post by wreakhavokon Aug 30, 2024 1:40pm

Post# 36203095
Whatzz Goin' On?
Whatzz Goin' On?Trying to make sense of the madness...
Right now, the deal made by the 2 companies on or about June 24th was tied to the Paladin stock price. It seemed good to management when the stock was priced at $13.00. $1.30 per FCU stock seemed not too bad.
Presently, PDN has drifted all the way down to $9.79. What does that mean? ( $9.79 x .1076 equals
$1.05) So instead of the expected $1.30 per FCU share, now it would only be about $1.05 per share.
FCU stockholders may be doing management a favor by rejecting the deal. Is that the way you see it?