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Fission Uranium Corp T.FCU

Fission Uranium Corp. is a Canada-based uranium company and the owner/developer of the high-grade, near-surface Triple R uranium deposit. The Company is the 100% owner of the Patterson Lake South uranium property. Its Patterson Lake South (PLS) project, which hosts the Triple R deposit, a large, high-grade and near-surface uranium deposit that occurs within a 3.18 kilometers (km) mineralized trend along the Patterson Lake Conductive Corridor. The property comprises over 17 contiguous claims totaling 31,039 hectares and is located geographically in the south-west margin of Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin. Additionally, the Company has the West Cluff property comprising three claims totaling approximately 11,148-hectares and the La Rocque property comprising two claims totaling over 959 hectares in the western Athabasca Basin region of northern Saskatchewan. The La Rocque property is prospective for high-grade uranium and is located five km south of Cameco’s La Rocque Uranium Zone.

TSX:FCU - Post by User

Comment by GerryURon Sep 07, 2024 10:07am
Post# 36213035


RE:LatestYep, that was my take.  

Was wondering why they weren't coming out with a lot of PR pumping and more "this third party says you should vote FOR"... etc, etc since the ammended dates.

Looks like they found somebody(s) with enough options to excercise to swing the result.

I could be wrong, but now expecting the deal to pass. Who knows... 
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