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Fission Uranium Corp T.FCU

Fission Uranium Corp. is a Canada-based uranium company and the owner/developer of the high-grade, near-surface Triple R uranium deposit. The Company is the 100% owner of the Patterson Lake South uranium property. Its Patterson Lake South (PLS) project, which hosts the Triple R deposit, a large, high-grade and near-surface uranium deposit that occurs within a 3.18 kilometers (km) mineralized trend along the Patterson Lake Conductive Corridor. The property comprises over 17 contiguous claims totaling 31,039 hectares and is located geographically in the south-west margin of Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin. Additionally, the Company has the West Cluff property comprising three claims totaling approximately 11,148-hectares and the La Rocque property comprising two claims totaling over 959 hectares in the western Athabasca Basin region of northern Saskatchewan. The La Rocque property is prospective for high-grade uranium and is located five km south of Cameco’s La Rocque Uranium Zone.

TSX:FCU - Post by User

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  • wreakhavokX
Post by wreakhavokon Sep 07, 2024 6:36pm
Post# 36213401

Hard Questions

Hard QuestionsOk...correct me if I'm wrong...
It doesn't matter how far Paladin will fall, we still get the same percentage of a large company. (.1076)
The June 25th Globe and Mail called it "a friendly deal valued at $1.14 Billion.  I don't think it's all that friendly, because now  (838,000,000 shares at what, $.82?)  are worth a paltry $687 Million!  And it's certainly not going to be worth an implied $1.30 per share.  In fact, i wouldn't be surprised if the PDN share price fell another $1.50 before the deal is finalized.

By selling our shares now, we are losing any potential upside that may come after the deal is done.  Who is content at driving PDN down?  Someone who is intent on buying shares from disgruntled FCU holders at rock bottom prices now...only to drive the price up where it should be?

Yes...really sleazy stuff going on?  Perhaps interested Chinese stockholders picking off FCU shares at practically half-price?  Whatever happens, it will still be a pretty influential company in the Uranium World.    Is FCU such a bad deal for PDN, that it should be so badly penalized?  No, something else is going on here.

I think we should believe Haywood, when they say it's a Buy with a $2.30 target.


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