Post by
marcrobert on Mar 15, 2021 12:57pm
What's going on?
Thanks for any info. I'm new to genm, know some of their team from good (bluepearl and thomson creek) and not so good outcomes (canada lithium, stonegate).
i reviewed some of the info, a bit complicated. What are the different scenarios and timeframes?
i understand sibanye could end up with 51% of co
1. what's the timeframe ?
2. how would it affect shareholders if they take ownership
3. what would Sprott want?
Comment by
YQTlanding on Mar 15, 2021 1:35pm
1. DFS has to be filed. 2. A production decision has to be made public. 3. Sibanye has 90 days from when production decision is made to buy in up to 51%. 4. Sibanye makes an announcement. 5. If they step back , they will still own 20%. 6. Genm mgt will take it to production with minimal share dilution. 7. My only guess for Sprott is that he wants to make out like a bandit and do do we.
Comment by
YQTlanding on Mar 15, 2021 1:38pm
As we wait, a winter drill program is under way with a summer drill program to follow which are fully funded. Genm is looking for more and better grades of what we already have making the mine life longer than 14.