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Gold Springs Resource Corp. T.GRC

Alternate Symbol(s):  GRCAF

Gold Springs Resource Corp. formerly known as, TriMetals Mining Inc. is a growth-focused gold exploration company creating value through the exploration and development of the Gold Springs project in Nevada and Utah, U.S.A. Management has extensive experience in global exploration and the mining industry.

TSX:GRC - Post by User

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  • 123buyholdhopeX
Post by 123buyholdhopeon Dec 07, 2020 9:18pm
Post# 32055343

Gold Springs Res' - FYI

Gold Springs Res' - FYIGold Springs Resource Provides Updates for Additional Targets on Flagship Project

December 7, 2020, Vancouver, British Columbia— Gold Springs Resource Corp. (TSX: GRC, OTCQB: GRCAF) (the “Company” or “GRC”), is pleased report on two additional target areas from the Gold Springs project. GRC continues to finalize field work on the targets thus far identified within the Gold Springs Project located in Nevada and Utah in the Eastern Great Basin. The latest targets are the Iris and Camp Bell located on the Nevada side of the project area. Both targets have produced high-grade gold samples from surface and offer potential for new discoveries in future drill programs. Matias Herrero, President and CEO, stated “Our target definition work continues to produce positive results as we complete the detailed work on our 32 targets as they are prepared for future drill programs. Our work over this field season continues to demonstrate the scale and quality of our targets and the potential to develop new resources from future drill programs'....


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