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Gold Springs Resource Corp. T.GRC

Alternate Symbol(s):  GRCAF

Gold Springs Resource Corp. formerly known as, TriMetals Mining Inc. is a growth-focused gold exploration company creating value through the exploration and development of the Gold Springs project in Nevada and Utah, U.S.A. Management has extensive experience in global exploration and the mining industry.

TSX:GRC - Post by User

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  • 123buyholdhopeX
Comment by 123buyholdhopeon Mar 08, 2021 2:28pm
Post# 32744665


RE:WHERE IS THE BEEF?Gold Springs Resource Announces Start of Drilling

March 8, 2021, Vancouver, British Columbia— Gold Springs Resource Corp. (TSX: GRC, OTCQB: GRCAF) (the “Company” or “GRC”), is pleased to announce that it has mobilized a reverse-circulation drill and has started drilling at its flagship Gold Springs Project located in the Eastern Great Basin of Nevada and Utah. The planned 10,000-metre drill program will focus on the Jumbo Trend on the Utah side of the Project.

The objective of the drill program is to expand the current resources at the North and South Jumbo targets and will include the first holes in the large Juniper target which was highlighted by the CSAMT geophysical survey (see press release of September 2, 2020) and by the strong surface gold geochemistry (see press release of May 19, 2020) completed in 2020. Juniper is located immediately northwest of the North Jumbo resource and is associated with the same controlling structures seen at both the North and South Jumbo resources.

Matias Herrero, President and CEO, stated “We are very pleased to announce the initiation of our 10,000-metre drill program which should produce approximately 50 holes and will be focusing on the Jumbo Trend, which currently hosts our largest NI 43-101-compliant mineral resource estimates. The program, which will take approximately 5 months to complete, will drill-test the extensions of the North and South Jumbo resources and will be drilling the first holes ever on the Juniper target. Juniper shows characteristics of a large gold system as seen in the CSAMT ground geophysical survey, the structural setting, and the gold geochemistry on surface. Our goal is to continue to add gold and silver ounces to our existing resources in a district that we believe is just in the beginning stages of development and discovery.”

The drill program will test for gold mineralization in the north, west and southwest extensions of the North Jumbo resource and the north, south and down-dip extensions of the South Jumbo resources. Initial drilling at Juniper will focus on the strong high-resistivity CSAMT geophysical anomaly which has a signature similar to the North Jumbo resource located 400 metres to the southeast. Drill road and pad construction have been completed with 190 drill pads currently available for drilling within the Jumbo Trend. F

or more information on Juniper, South and North Jumbo, please visit: Juniper: South Jumbo: North Jumbo:

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