GRC - FYI Gold Springs Resource Increases its 2021 Drilling Program to 13,300 meters
Vancouver, British Columbia— Gold Springs Resource Corp. (TSX: GRC, OTCQB: GRCAF) (the “Company” or “GRC”) is pleased to announce that it has increased its 2021 drilling program to 13,300 meters at the Gold Springs project located on the border of Nevada and Utah, USA, in the prolific Great Basin of Western USA, one of the best mining jurisdictions in the world, both from a political and environmental point of view.
Antonio Canton, President and CEO, stated “We are very excited to expand our program to include drilling on the promising White Point target, as well as to follow up our successful drilling earlier in the year at the South Jumbo resource, especially our high grade intercept of 5.30 g/t gold over 19.8-meters in the drill hole E-21-012. We are currently drilling our first pass test at the Charlie Ross target prior to moving to White Point in August 2021”.
White Point Target
White Point is located just 400 meters west of the Grey Eagle resource and is characterized by a +200 meters wide zone of sheeted gold-bearing veins.
Historic workings at White Point reveal very high-grade gold veins which have returned values of over 18 g/t Au and historic mines where very high-grade veins were exploited in the early 1900s.
This initial drilling program will be a first pass test and start in August 2021. Any successes from this program will be followed by a second pass drill program to further identify the extent of mineralization as well as to conduct infill drilling to provide critical information on the continuity of the system.
Randall Moore, Executive Vice President of Exploration, stated: “We are excited to be drilling White Point as we believe this target has significant potential given the high grades identified in some of the veins and the dimensions of the exposed system”.