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Gold Springs Resource Corp. T.GRC

Alternate Symbol(s):  GRCAF

Gold Springs Resource Corp. formerly known as, TriMetals Mining Inc. is a growth-focused gold exploration company creating value through the exploration and development of the Gold Springs project in Nevada and Utah, U.S.A. Management has extensive experience in global exploration and the mining industry.

TSX:GRC - Post by User

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  • Goldnboy1X
Post by Goldnboy1on Feb 05, 2022 1:56am
Post# 34400464

Trickle Trickle Up!

Trickle Trickle Up!

Looking really good here! 

Expect this stock to move as an outperform on the price of gold. Very special numbers starting to come from a desert region where you can product eat a profit for just a half gram per ton.

Multi gram per ton bulk deposits, when they tend to occur out here. They get gobbled up by majors and fast! 

Long and strong!

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