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Gold Springs Resource Corp. T.GRC

Alternate Symbol(s):  GRCAF

Gold Springs Resource Corp. formerly known as, TriMetals Mining Inc. is a growth-focused gold exploration company creating value through the exploration and development of the Gold Springs project in Nevada and Utah, U.S.A. Management has extensive experience in global exploration and the mining industry.

TSX:GRC - Post by User

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  • jimdines1234567X
Post by jimdines1234567on Mar 20, 2022 3:21pm
Post# 34529813

I really admire how GRC...

I really admire how GRC...Goes completely against the grain when it comes to their press release scheduling and continues to put, news out mostly on Friday evenings well after the markets have been closed. This is the exact opposite of most two-bit stock promotions that wait till the markets are roaring and they have what they think is the perfect tailwind and barometric pressure going for them to release mediocre to very poor assays etc.

GRC has been and hopefully will continue to release surprisingly strong results at the very end of the week when most "PROMOTORS" WILL HIDE BAD NEWS BY TRYING TO BURY IT LATE INTO FRIDAY!!!

Our next few releases are pretty critical as they tie together all of our exploration/discovery over the past three years or so and publish an updated PEA. 

I sure would NOT want to be short GRC shares!

A triple or more from here within the next year or so is very, very, very, possible.

Hear me now and believe me later...

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