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Gold Springs Resource Corp. T.GRC

Alternate Symbol(s):  GRCAF

Gold Springs Resource Corp. formerly known as, TriMetals Mining Inc. is a growth-focused gold exploration company creating value through the exploration and development of the Gold Springs project in Nevada and Utah, U.S.A. Management has extensive experience in global exploration and the mining industry.

TSX:GRC - Post by User

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  • 123buyholdhopeX
Post by 123buyholdhopeon Jun 07, 2022 11:45am
Post# 34737187

GRC Release

GRC Release

Gold Springs Resource Corp.
Receives First Assays from 2022
Drill Program at South Jumbo

June 6, 2022, Vancouver, British Columbia— Gold Springs Resource Corp. (TSX: GRC, OTCQB: GRCAF) (the “Company” or “GRC”), has received drill results from the first 6 holes of the 2022 drilling program around the South Jumbo resource of its large Gold Springs project located in USA, on the border of Nevada and Utah, one of the best mining jurisdictions in the world.

Highlights include:
1.08 g/t gold equivalent over 15.3 meters and
0.74 g/t gold equivalent over 15.3 meters in hole E-22-001

1.46 g/t gold equivalent over 09.2 meters and
0.95 g/t gold equivalent over 09.2 meters in hole E-22-002

1.36 g/t gold equivalent over 27.4 meters and
- 1.38 g/t gold equivalent over 06.1 meters in hole E-22-003

0.68 g/t gold equivalent over 12.6 meters and
- 0.74 g/t gold equivalent over 13.7 meters in hole E-22-004

Gold equivalent based on US$1,800/oz gold and US$25/oz silver.

Randall Moore, Executive Vice President of Exploration, stated: “We are excited about the start of our 2022 drilling program at South Jumbo. These initial results confirm the extension and the modeling of our South Jumbo resource, as all six holes encountered gold mineralization. The remaining samples from the first 14 holes are now in the laboratory and we should see a steady flow of information over the coming weeks. The second RC drill will be deployed next week at North Jumbo, followed by the Horseshoe Extension, Homestake, and White Point targets. The diamond core drill will also be deployed in the first week of June to test deeper portions and collect material for metallurgical test work from the North and South Jumbo, Grey Eagle, Charlie Ross, and the White Point existing resources”.



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