Post by
retiredcf on Dec 08, 2020 1:27pm
Bruce Campbell 2
I'm not in Canada so working on a delay but he just gave a nice endorsement of GRN. Still thinks it's cheap (cheaper than XBC which he still likes and was one of his past picks) despite the recent runup in price. GLTA
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ace1mccoy on Dec 08, 2020 2:18pm
Here's the clip
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Possibleidiot01 on Dec 08, 2020 4:15pm
Text for Mr. Campbell. Greenlane Renewables Inc. (GRN-X) December 8, 2020 A past pick. See his Xebec comments. Two advantages over Xebec: Greenlane has more diverse technology, more applications; and even with the stock's huge run up in the past two months, the valuation is still lower than Xebec's and other peers. Will enjoy tailwinds for years.
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oceaneleven on Dec 08, 2020 4:28pm paper has been halted pending news....hopefully it is good news and not financing news as this could move our paper higher!!!!!
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treehill on Dec 08, 2020 6:06pm
I have my doubts the share will dip down to around $6. First, the price of the new shares is $5.80, not $6.03. They announced it around 4:30 and it was closed within about 45 minutes. I'm sure that some of those who couldn't get any will try buying tomorrow on the market, but I doubt many people will be selling close to $6. We'll see.
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SNgu8000 on Dec 08, 2020 7:28pm
I had both XBC and GRN . My take is : short term , GRN double from here faster than XBC ( $2.82 againts $13 ) , GRN market cap will be still under $300mil , easy being taken over by large energy cap with share swap . XBC will be come huge mid-cap in couple yrs . Look at GRN candle chart today , it's clear NEW SET of INVESTORS . ( morning I thought bearist engulf hug ) .
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Torontojay on Dec 09, 2020 5:33am
I think Questor is another company that is priced attractively. I reasonably expect Questor to reach $4-5 in a 1-2 year time frame.
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oceaneleven on Dec 08, 2020 7:29pm
I am good with holding GRN shares...To play the new green growth global reset, one must put a few different types of paper to work...One paper that I have acquired is one is a must to do some dd on...