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Hamilton Enhanced Canadian Bank ETF T.HCAL

The investment objective of HCAL is to replicate, to the extent reasonably possible and before the deduction of fees and expenses, a multiple of the performance of a rules-based, variable-weight Canadian bank index. HCAL will seek to achieve its investment objective by borrowing cash to invest in and hold a proportionate share of, or a sampling of the constituent securities of, the Solactive Canadian Bank Mean Reversion Index in order to track approximately 1.25x the performance of such Index. As an alternative to, or in conjunction with investing in and holding the constituent securities, HCAL may also invest in other securities, including Other Funds (as defined herein) to obtain exposure to the constituent securities of the Index in a manner that is consistent with HCALs investment objective.

TSX:HCAL - Post by User

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  • BlackBear22X
Post by BlackBear22on Oct 10, 2024 3:16pm
Post# 36261508

Took Profits

Took ProfitsI was optimistic when HCAL broke to a new high recently but there was no follow through and lately the stock seems to be forming a rounding top.  I have been in from the $20 level and decided it's best to take profits here and see if the stock resets.

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