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Hamilton Enhanced Multi-Sector Covered Call ETF T.HDIV

The investment objective of HDIV is to provide attractive monthly income and long-term capital appreciation from a diversified, multi-sector portfolio of primarily covered call ETFs focused on Canada. HDIV seeks to achieve its investment objective by borrowing cash to invest in a diversified, multi-sector portfolio of primarily covered call exchange traded funds focused on Canada. HDIV may also hold cash and cash equivalents or other money market instruments in order to meet its obligations.

TSX:HDIV - Post by User

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  • dileas48sX
Comment by dileas48son Sep 10, 2024 9:48am
Post# 36216425


RE:ROCI subscribe to and pay the extra annual fee for the automated importing of ROC data.  To me, compared to the investments, it's a very small fee.

I have to remember to enter every single buy / sell / divvy reinvestment transactions but that's not a bid deal to me - and only for my non-registered accounts.

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