Comment by investor74on May 11, 2021 6:57am

Post# 33171747
RE:RE:Pilar Gold is the next Jaguar Mining of Brazil
RE:RE:Pilar Gold is the next Jaguar Mining of BrazilDon't have a clue, but let's not forget JAG can't and won't overpay for any acquisition. Maybe they have their eyes on the Pitanguy 900000k pit from Iamgold. They won't be able to buy everything, that's my 5 cents. Maybe they put in a low bid just to see..
They will have to act however and sooner than later IMHO.
I am not prepared to say they are sleeping with Eric Sprott owning half the company.
You can be assured that NO decision will be taken without his approval.
Also, don't forget Pierre Lassonde's wise words: what crushed many gold mining companies in last cycle was exactly that....overpaying for acquisitions. They became lazy and just relied on higher gold prices.....when they collapsed from 1920$ to 1050$ per Oz, Yamaha and others were crushed from 20$ to 2$. Then you are stuck with debt debt debt that can crush a company.
Slowly but surely...and I'm pretty happy with a 4-5% dividend at this point on with no debt and lot's of cash. Let the worse of Ovid go by, then back to growth. They need to maximize what they already have AND be very safe regarding Covid-19 strict employee protocols and they will be much better than a lot of companies.
I still think they are doing a he'll of a job managing this. Yes, Eric Sprott is alive and active in the markets as we speak (look at his latest stock transactions in PM) and should elevate is voice since the company guidance his Eric's.