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Jaguar Mining Inc T.JAG

Alternate Symbol(s):  JAGGF

Jaguar Mining Inc. is a Canadian junior gold mining, development, and exploration company. It operates in Brazil with three gold mining complexes and a large land package with significant upside exploration potential from mineral claims. The Company's principal operating assets are in the Iron Quadrangle, a prolific greenstone belt in the state of Minas Gerais and include the Turmalina Gold Mine Complex and Caete Mining Complex (Pilar and Roca Grande Mines, and Caete Plant). It also owns the Paciencia Gold Mine Complex. Caete Complex is located 50 kilometers east of the city of Belo Horizonte and includes the Pilar gold mine, the Caete processing plant and the Roca Grande gold mine. Its Faina project is a new underground orebody located just west of the Company’s Turmalina mine within the MTL Complex. The Paciencia complex includes two underground gold mines, Santa Isabel and Margazao, and a processing plant located within 9,000 hectares of contiguous permitted mining tenements.

TSX:JAG - Post by User

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  • investor74X
Comment by investor74on May 12, 2021 7:10am
Post# 33180891

RE:RE:RE:RE:Pilar Gold is the next Jaguar Mining of Brazil

RE:RE:RE:RE:Pilar Gold is the next Jaguar Mining of BrazilInteresting. By the way your video doesn't work.
I wouldn't bash Jag since if what you say is true, then Pilar Gold really likes JAG and so your logic I not good. I agree on one thing that JAG must act quickly or they will be possibly taken over.
However, that's good news :) 
Either way, JAG is undervalued and won't sell for this price I can assure you.

If Pilar Gold management is so out of this world, then that again is super news. That would mean, we get 100%cash offer or partial shares of Pilar Gold and cash.....and still on the way to the same objective of 300000oz.

Again super news. So, let them run after JAG...we have no debt, lot's of cash and massive Gold land for upside exploration potential.
By the way, Pilar Gold is small....38000oz per year....I hope they have monster financial backing because it's a long way to 300000 Oz.
I agree fully also and said it often, massive M&A has started..the game of musical chair has started.

Good news, that will only help Jag's shareholders....I mean Eric Sprott....since what he decides...goes....and he ain't stupid.


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