Comment by investor74on May 25, 2021 5:53am

Post# 33258542
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Pilar Gold is the next Jaguar Mining of Brazil
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Pilar Gold is the next Jaguar Mining of BrazilGood morning digrdan,
I also picked up that Eric is still active with stock purchases for the past months. Just look it up on Also, yes gold will soon resume it's last phase3 which is the strongest. In my opinion, the fed has started to slow or stop the yield rise and is now in yield curve ontrol since economy is extremely week and holding on life support, that's it. So money printing till.....
Mean while, would sure like it if he would take 5 minutes to just comment on JAG, since he owns it pretty much. Anyway my 5 cents.
Vern is giving an interview on 121 mining investment and the recorded version will be on the web site within 1-2 days from what I'm told.
We need news on exploration front and covid update and existing mining operations.