Comment by amishelvison Aug 15, 2021 10:12am

Post# 33707206
RE:RE:Wow that might be the shortest lived dividend in history
RE:RE:Wow that might be the shortest lived dividend in historyThey havent gotten credit for a lot of things, (looking at their low pe ratio). They have burnt some investors in the past. I am thinking that those days are done and gone. There is one thing that worries me. In the latest news/cc they said some of their costs have gone up 20% y/y. Explosives, fuel, and labor,, I can understand the first two fading back down,, but the third,,labor,,,I'm not sure that cat can be put back into the bag. Imagine giving a worker a 20% raise one year and then 12 moths later saying,'',hey,,it was just transitory/temporary we are taking it back''. Strangely ,,these are the same forces that will make gold go up in price. Interesting days.