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Alternate Symbol(s):  KSIOF, inc. develops and markets the Kneat Gx software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform. It designs, develops and supplies software for data and document management within regulated environments. The Company’s focus is to service the facilities, equipment and computer systems (CSV) validation market initially within the global life sciences industry. The Company’s product is Kneat Gx, a configurable, off-the-shelf application focused on validation lifecycle management and testing primarily within the life sciences industry. Kneat Gx provides a compliant digital solution that enables companies in the life sciences industry to become efficient and compliant with an automated process that has traditionally been manual, inefficient and paper-based. Its various validation processes include electronic logbook management, analytical instrument validation, utility and facility validation, process validation, method validation and equipment validation, cold chain validation, and others.

TSX:KSI - Post by User

Post by retiredcfon Sep 27, 2024 9:29am
Post# 36243830


PenderfundThe final recommendation from one of the best small cap analysts out there. GLTA

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