Wide public now aware.
Honestlly, I am not sure how long they can keep those gold pricess so depressed but I can tell you someting for sure. Comex will collapse and physical price will detach and explode. I was expecting January, but there was no contracts due in January, but February contracts are comming big time now. Few guys will ask for delivery and game over, so my guess is February..
https://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/1586a7fe-84d6-11e3-a793-00144feab7de.html#axzz2rRMkNXe3 "The paper gold in the London Bullion Market takes the familiar forms that bankers have turned into profit machines: futures, options, leveraged trades, collateralised obligations, ETFs . . . a storm of exotic instruments...
But one day the ties that bind this pixelated gold may break, with potentially catastrophic results. So if you fancy gold at today’s depressed price, learn from Buba and demand delivery."
Neil Collins,
Financial Times Buba is deutsche bundesbank.