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LifeSpeak Inc T.LSPK

Alternate Symbol(s):  LSPKF

LifeSpeak Inc. is a Canada-based provider of mental, physical, and family wellbeing solutions for employers, health plans, and other organizations across the globe. The Company's product verticals include mental health and total wellbeing, physical wellbeing resources, caregiver support and health solutions for substance use disorders (SUD) resources. Its portfolio of solutions includes LifeSpeak Mental Health & Resilience, Wellbeats Wellness, Torchlight Parenting & Caregiving, ALAViDA Substance Use, and LIFT session Fitness. Its curated content library offers digital educational resources including consumable videos, podcasts and articles. Its digital fitness platform (Wellbeats and LIFT session brands) is designed to promote employees' physical health. Its caregiving support platform (Torchlight brand) offers step-by-step guidance on an array of caregiving topics to solve complex family challenges. The Company's SUD treatment platform is delivered through its ALAViDA brand.

TSX:LSPK - Post by User

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Post by 88guy88on Jul 07, 2021 9:11am
Post# 33504423


Yupthis horse tripped over the starting gate.....I  call it a "potential outstanding stock" or for short POS!
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