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Minco Silver Corp T.MSV

Alternate Symbol(s):  MISVF

Minco Silver Corporation is a Canada-based silver mining company. The Company is focused on the acquisition and development of silver properties. The Company’s project includes Fuwan Silver Project and Changkeng Gold Project. The Company, through Changfu Minco Co. Ltd., holds Fuwan Silver Project, which has Luoke-Jilinggang Permit on the Fuwan area covering a total area of approximately 21.75 square kilometer (km2) located in Gaoming County, approximately 45 km southwest of Guangzhou Province. The Company holds a 51% interest in Mingzhong, which owns the Changkeng Gold Project. The Changkeng Gold Project immediately adjoins the Fuwan Silver Project. Its subsidiaries include Minco Investment Holding HK Ltd. (Minco HK), Minco Resource Limited (Minco Resources), Guangdong Changfu Mining Co. Ltd. (Changfu Minco), Minco Mining (China) Co. Ltd. (Minco China), Tibet Minco Mining Co. Ltd. (Tibet Minco), and Mingzhong Mining Co. Ltd.

TSX:MSV - Post by User

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  • Malpeque2X
Post by Malpeque2on Aug 29, 2022 11:52am
Post# 34926910

Dr. Ken Cai has got to GO!!

Dr. Ken Cai has got to GO!!He is the Chairman,  CEO,   and Director.     Been here for a long long time.   Since August 2004. Too Long.

I see that they have  @ $135M paid in Capital from shareholders over the years.    That has been whittled down to $44M Shareholder Equity remaining today.  

Ken Cai has made about $500,000 the last few years EACH year counting salaries and benefits,  which include his apartment in China.    He owns about 560,000 shares,  or $56 thousand dollars worth.     The 3 other directors own NO shares. 

All the incentives for Dr. Cai are to continue to pay himself the far too high salary and milk the remaining cash and value from the company.    All while the other directors sit on ZERO shares and have ZERO incentives to stop the cash drain to Dr. Cai. 
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