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Minco Silver Corp T.MSV

Alternate Symbol(s):  MISVF

Minco Silver Corporation is a Canada-based silver mining company. The Company is focused on the acquisition and development of silver properties. The Company’s project includes Fuwan Silver Project and Changkeng Gold Project. The Company, through Changfu Minco Co. Ltd., holds Fuwan Silver Project, which has Luoke-Jilinggang Permit on the Fuwan area covering a total area of approximately 21.75 square kilometer (km2) located in Gaoming County, approximately 45 km southwest of Guangzhou Province. The Company holds a 51% interest in Mingzhong, which owns the Changkeng Gold Project. The Changkeng Gold Project immediately adjoins the Fuwan Silver Project. Its subsidiaries include Minco Investment Holding HK Ltd. (Minco HK), Minco Resource Limited (Minco Resources), Guangdong Changfu Mining Co. Ltd. (Changfu Minco), Minco Mining (China) Co. Ltd. (Minco China), Tibet Minco Mining Co. Ltd. (Tibet Minco), and Mingzhong Mining Co. Ltd.

TSX:MSV - Post by User

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  • RockLobster1X
Comment by RockLobster1on Apr 24, 2023 11:02am
Post# 35410372

RE:RE:My Mistake Dr. Cai has............

RE:RE:My Mistake Dr. Cai has............You have nailed it... this is a lifestyle company... I was in years ago, made nice money in the bull mkts when it traded way up 6 or 8 bucks or something crazy in 2011..

Then I held onto some and traded it down... slowly realizing that China is corrupt and nothing gets done unless the right people are paid.  And they dont pay foreigners...   After so many years of no permits etc....  I finally had to realize that it is unlikely it will ever get done.  And I don know if Cai started out thinking it would progress, but I think he realized it is easier to make money by just sitting on a big pile of cash raised from naive Canadians and living off of the avails.  Lots of this goes on... it's legal and you dont know if the story is real or not.  Mgmt experience so important and I don think Cai has ever had any success in anything, other than living well.

I have no idea of what really is happening in china but I can't see why this will change after so long... hope I am wrong for those still owning it.  Price is up lately so I will be happy to be wrong.
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