When you think about it,
Wellgreen is not like the orher Canadian Nickel juniors.
Peers have significant trees to remove
New HWY's to build or even move.
Rail line extensions.
Significant overburden and waste ores.
Wellgreen has richer grade plat + exotics + copper - peers don't have.
WELLGREEN - SURFACE VEINING very special.... it's everywhere.... at surface - peers don't have this.
Why not exploit the numerous sulphide veining ?
Easy to mine.
If one uses a satellite map to view wellgreens surface veining
i'm sure you'll be suprised to see how many km's of veining there really is.
Even to the immediate east of UG mine - upper ranges have massive veining.
North side ( UG Mine )
The #1 main vein tracks all the way to Sulphide mountain and beyond.
Each side of Sulphide mountain ( slopes ) have veining.
Some veins are 20m wide or more - several are 400m long
just the thick sections.
Just one example of so many.
I tracked this vein for several km's.
Good 10 - 15 meters wide ( former post i only used 3m wide example.
After admiring this 400m section of veining - see anything else ?
How about all the dark grey washing streaming down on the right side.
If that's all sulphides too.... then, hello.
There's so many veins - i only factored the large veins.
There's all the more in small veining.
Why Drill hole A - Why Geophysics ? when there's so many sulphide veining everywhere you look.
Couldn't help but notice my former post has a few words changed.
Seems this editor box has difficulty using plural wording.
Many of the words have missing ( s ) or the emphasis - n't.
Would-nt need 200 tonne trucks.