Verde Agritech’s Brazilian subsidiary, Verde Fertilizantes, was sued by Ricardo Oliveira in 2014 for violating labor laws. After assessing information from publicly available data sources, it looks like Mr Oliveira, who was Verde’s Finance Manager from 2009 to 2013, finally won this lawsuit in 2021, which is no longer subject to appeal. On top of that, Mr Oliveira was granted indemnity for moral damage caused by Mr Veloso, the CEO and President of both Verde Agritech and Verde Fertilizantes, as per below details: - ENGLISH TRANSLATED VERSION
“MORAL HARRASSMENT However, the majority of this Panel understood that the documentary and testimonial evidence revealed that Cristiano Botelho Veloso treated managers, including the Claimant, with intimidation and pressure, communicating with them in a stormy and aggressive manner.
The atmosphere in the company was tense since Mr Veloso returned from UK to Brazil in 2012, as he started to exercise what is called stress and intimidation management. In this context, by a majority of the Panel, moral damage was configured, and the reparation was granted to the Claimant, fixing the amount of compensation at $100,000, an amount compatible with the damage suffered, characteristics of the parties involved and time lapse of embarrassment.
CONCLUSION The Regional Labor Court of the Third Region, in an ordinary session of its Seventh Panel, held today, judged the present case and, unanimously and, on merit, by majority of votes, granted the Claimant's Appeal to grant indemnity for moral damage in the amount of $100,000”.
Source: 2. ORIGINAL PORTUGUESE VERSION “DANOS MORAIS Contudo, a d. maioria desta Turma entendeu que as provas documentais e testemunhais revelaram que o Sr. Cristiano Botelho Veloso tratava os gerentes, inclusive o autor, com intimidao e presso, se comunicando com eles de forma tempestuosa e agressiva.
O ambiente na empresa era de tenso desde que o referido senhor retornou do exterior em 2012, pois passou a exercer o que se denomina gesto por estresse e intimidao. Nesse contexto, por maioria da Turma, entendeu-se configurado o dano moral e deferiu-se a reparao ao reclamante, fixando o valor da indenizao em $100.000,00, valor compatvel com o dano sofrido, caractersticas das partes envolvidas e lapso temporal do constrangimento.
CONCLUSO O Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da Terceira Regio, em sesso ordinria da sua Stima Turma, hoje realizada, julgou o presente processo e, unanimemente, conheceu os Recursos Ordinrios e, no mrito, por maioria de votos, deu provimento ao Recurso do Reclamante para deferir indenizao por dano moral no importe de $100.000,00”.
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