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Plaza Retail REIT T.PLZ.UN

Alternate Symbol(s):  PAZRF

Plaza Retail REIT (Trust) is a Canada-based open-ended real estate investment trust. The Trust is a developer, owner and manager of retail real estate located primarily in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada. Its portfolio includes interests in approximately 225 properties totaling approximately 8.9 million square feet across Canada and additional lands held for development. Trust’s portfolio largely consists of open-air centers and stand-alone small box retail outlets and is predominantly occupied by national tenants with a focus on the essential needs, value and convenience market segments. The properties are indirectly held by Plaza through its subsidiaries and through joint arrangements. The Trust's portfolio consists of Alberta, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec.

TSX:PLZ.UN - Post by User

Comment by Podios2on Nov 09, 2024 7:03am
Post# 36304462

RE:RE:Nice. 6.5% jump in NOI

RE:RE:Nice. 6.5% jump in NOII rather they don't be taken out and let them build out and collect the rent I'm fine with that I was futunate and bought low 
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