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PyroGenesis Inc T.PYR

Alternate Symbol(s):  PYRGF

PyroGenesis Inc., formerly PyroGenesis Canada Inc., is a Canada-based high-tech company. The Company is engaged in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes and sustainable solutions which reduce greenhouse gases (GHG). The Company has created proprietary, patented and advanced plasma technologies that are used in four markets: iron ore palletization, aluminum, waste management, and additive manufacturing. It provides engineering and manufacturing expertise, contract research, as well as turnkey process equipment packages to the defense, metallurgical, mining, additive manufacturing (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. Its products and services include plasma atomized metal powders, aluminum and zinc dross recovery, waste management, plasma torches, and innovation/custom process development. It offers PUREVAP, which is a high purity metallurgical grade silicon and solar grade silicon from quartz.

TSX:PYR - Post by User

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  • BCONTVenturesX
Comment by BCONTVentureson Dec 13, 2024 9:07pm
Post# 36362081

RE:RE:Conclusion Findings on initial proceedings of the AMF Trial

RE:RE:Conclusion Findings on initial proceedings of the AMF TrialThis could be a massive win as the CEO of PyroGenesis has stated that the AMF case has no merit:

Request to have sections 15.1 and 15.5 of the Financial Sector Regulation Act declared unconstitutional, quash the subpoenas and order the return of the seized documents.

Management conference

By videoconference

Virtual Courtroom 5

BCONTVentures wrote: This was from earlier in May regarding the initial proceedings of the AMF trial:

BCONTVentures wrote: For those who do not have the time to read long legal documents, and as “team bash” never posts anything positive, but have no problem twisting things and omitting key items such as cancellation of quash summons to appear and produce documents. This is a huge blow to the AMF, who are off to very bad start.

This is pulled directly from the findings on the initial proceedings of the AMF trial. Here is the conclusion ruling:

FOR THESE REASONS, the Administrative Tribunal for Financial Markets, under Articles 93, 97 al. 1.97 al. 2 (2° and 7°) and 115.6 of the Financial Sector Regulation Act [39] and article 11 of the Administrative Justice Act [40] :

GRANTS the request for annulment of the Summons to appear in respect of the respondent Photis Peter Pascali;

CANCELS the Summons addressed to Photis Peter Pascali and dated December 5, 2023.

The cancellation of quash a summons to appear and produce documents is a huge blow to the AMF.  The AMF is off to a very bad start.

Some great posts from ceo:

@helloween So it's a win for PPP, the subpoena duces tecum was cancelled. The AMF tried to trick PPP. First the AMF asked that PPP and PYR don't be represented by the same attorney because of a conflict of interest, so PPP asked another attorney to represent him. Since PYR are still represented by PPP's old attorney, the AMF asked PYR to change its attorney because of his duty of loyalty for his old client PPP that could lead or a conflict of interest, so PPP waived the duty of loyalty of his old attorney by an affidavit. Then they tried to use the waiver to force PPP to produce documents protected by the client lawyer attorney privilege and it didn't work.

@Sabbath Alleged . If tribunal finds no fault/ no wrong, you best cease & desist calling the CEO a fraudster, fast. The only fraudsters around are you and your sad fantasy island clan.

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