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PyroGenesis Inc T.PYR

Alternate Symbol(s):  PYRGF

PyroGenesis Inc., formerly PyroGenesis Canada Inc., is a Canada-based high-tech company. The Company is engaged in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes and sustainable solutions which reduce greenhouse gases (GHG). The Company has created proprietary, patented and advanced plasma technologies that are used in four markets: iron ore palletization, aluminum, waste management, and additive manufacturing. It provides engineering and manufacturing expertise, contract research, as well as turnkey process equipment packages to the defense, metallurgical, mining, additive manufacturing (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. Its products and services include plasma atomized metal powders, aluminum and zinc dross recovery, waste management, plasma torches, and innovation/custom process development. It offers PUREVAP, which is a high purity metallurgical grade silicon and solar grade silicon from quartz.

TSX:PYR - Post by User

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  • BCONTVenturesX
Post by BCONTVentureson Dec 13, 2024 9:40pm
Post# 36362100

Additional Investment in EarthGrid PBC

Additional Investment in EarthGrid PBCGreat to see an additional investment in EarthGrid PBC:

Park City Angels is excited to announce that our members have made an additional investment in EarthGrid PBC

EarthGrid deploys patented plasma technology to tunnel and excavate at a fraction of the cost, and time. They closed Q3 of 2024 strong, entering Q4 with newfound accomplishments, accolades, and ambitious goals!

"To our investors: Thank you so much for believing in me, my team, and our vision. We are humbled to see your continuous support of EarthGrid, and we are focused in making EarthGrid unstoppable in 2025."

-Troy Helming, Founder & CEO

EarthGrid has accomplished a lot since our first investment in August of 2023, here are some highlights:

1. Seed Extension Closed, Oversubscribed by 40%, totaling $14M

2. Startup World Cup 2024 Champions, 1st place! $1M Investment Prize.

3. EarthGrid Announces $18B Joint Venture.

4. Fired up new 3x Torch TBR machine, rapidly developing our tunnel boring platform. 2-Torch PES machine also back online.

hashtagventurecapital hashtaggrowth hashtagstartups hashtaginvestment hashtagparkcity hashtagparkcityutah hashtagtunneling hashtagutilities hashtaginfrastructure hashtaginnovation hashtagangelinvesting

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