Comment by Toppert1on Jan 07, 2025 10:56pm

Post# 36393544
RE:Where is everyone?
RE:Where is everyone?Selling security holder 2. Your name: P. Peter Pascali (the “Investor”)
3.The offices or positions you hold in the reporting issuer: President and CEO of the issuer
4.Are you selling securities as a lender, pledgee, mortgagee or other encumbrancer? No
5. Number and class of securities of the reporting issuer you beneficially own: As of January 7, 2025, the Investor: (i) beneficially owns and controls 66,392,941 common shares, (ii) controls 5,636,000 common shares beneficially owned by 8339856 Canada Inc. (an entity of which he is a director, executive officer and the sole shareholder), (iii) controls 57 common shares beneficially owned by Fiducie de Crdit Mellon Trust (a trust of which he is a trustee, executive officer and beneficiary), and (iv) controls 5,500,000 common shares beneficially owned by The 2% Solution Foundation (a registered charity of which he is a director). Distribution
6. Number and class of securities you propose to sell: 850,000 common shares held by the Investor. 7. Will you sell the securities privately or on an exchange or market? If on an exchange or market, provide the name. The common shares will be sold on the Toronto Stock Exchange.