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PyroGenesis Inc T.PYR

Alternate Symbol(s):  PYRGF

PyroGenesis Inc., formerly PyroGenesis Canada Inc., is a Canada-based high-tech company. The Company is engaged in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes and sustainable solutions which reduce greenhouse gases (GHG). The Company has created proprietary, patented and advanced plasma technologies that are used in four markets: iron ore palletization, aluminum, waste management, and additive manufacturing. It provides engineering and manufacturing expertise, contract research, as well as turnkey process equipment packages to the defense, metallurgical, mining, additive manufacturing (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. Its products and services include plasma atomized metal powders, aluminum and zinc dross recovery, waste management, plasma torches, and innovation/custom process development. It offers PUREVAP, which is a high purity metallurgical grade silicon and solar grade silicon from quartz.

TSX:PYR - Post by User

Comment by Toppert1on Jan 11, 2025 8:10pm
Post# 36399691

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:One more day after today

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:One more day after today
Thinkbigsti69 wrote:
skier59 wrote: Melida, this dude is like a crac addict. I've never seen anybody go so hard at bashing a company and trying his utmost to get investors and traders to sell this particular stock. He follows the daily trades to see what is happening, and then telling all of us, we will lose all of our money. It's really quite amusing !
He made me buy more. LOL

Keep some dry powder to buy stock from the CEO next week Thinkbig. 

I figure he'll sell 80-100,000 shares between Tuesday and Friday. 

Maybe you should all step up and do him a favor.

Why break with tradition, you've been doing it for four years.

I'm sure he's grateful while he laughs at you to himself.

He'd probably be rolling on the floor laughing if he read some of the pumpers posts' here.

I'm not joking, I'm serious. 

He very likely is.

I am too.
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