Remember me
Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Hey Toppert1. We too have a good memory. Your top pick XEBEC went bankrupt. And we remember when you were promoting your other too pick XEBEC at 3$, and that its next leg was supposed to be 6-8$ according to your many posts. It rather went South, from 3$ to 0.13$. A -94% dive. Down the toilet?drain. Arrange that you don’t post there anymore but keep FUDing here, when you don’t own the stock. What a scam! LOL Topert told PYR investors to sell as to buy XEBEC. XEBEC is bankrupt like all Topert's ideas. LOL
Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Hey Toppert1. We too have a good memory. Your top pick XEBEC went bankrupt. And we remember when you were promoting your other too pick XEBEC at 3$, and that its next leg was supposed to be 6-8$ according to your many posts. It rather went South, from 3$ to 0.13$. A -94% dive. Down the toilet?drain. Arrange that you don’t post there anymore but keep FUDing here, when you don’t own the stock. What a scam! LOL
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