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Pyritetrap wrote: Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Hey Toppert1. We too have a good memory. Your top pick XEBEC went bankrupt. And we remember when you were promoting your other too pick XEBEC at 3$, and that its next leg was supposed to be 6-8$ according to your many posts. It rather went South, from 3$ to 0.13$. A -94% dive. Down the toilet?drain. Arrange that you don’t post there anymore but keep FUDing here, when you don’t own the stock. What a scam! LOL Topert told PYR investors to sell as to buy XEBEC. XEBEC is bankrupt like all Topert's ideas. LOL And you bought and encouraged others to buy before a historic decline in THIS company, yet you said it was going ballistic Since you asked people to Mark Your Words -here they are lol Post by Thinkbigsti69on Apr 30, 2021 7:11pm 386 Views Post# 33106607 PYROGENESIS SHARE PRICE WILL SURGE Mark my word the share price will surge from now on. Peter and Bernard are at rhe forefront of disruptive tech. Stick arounr if you want to be rich. Hurry uo to get as many shares as you can because there will be a major short covering soon. The share price will go ballistic bc of tight float. We are the priveliged few who did proper DD and fully know what is about to happen, Riches beyond belief are awaiting ''What say you "thinkbig'/ Think big but reality is BIG Losses -methinks you need a new hobby -unless you egret paid to pump Post by Thinkbigsti69on Apr 30, 2021 7:11pm 386 Views Post# 33106607 PYROGENESIS SHARE PRICE WILL SURGE Mark my word the share price will surge from now on. Peter and Bernard are at rhe forefront of disruptive tech. Stick arounr if you want to be rich. Hurry uo to get as many shares as you can because there will be a major short covering soon. The share price will go ballistic bc of tight float. We are the priveliged few who did proper DD and fully know what is about to happen, Riches beyond belief are awaiting ''What say you "thinkbig'/ Think big but reality is BIG Losses -methinks you need a new hobby -unless you egret paid to pump
Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Hey Toppert1. We too have a good memory. Your top pick XEBEC went bankrupt. And we remember when you were promoting your other too pick XEBEC at 3$, and that its next leg was supposed to be 6-8$ according to your many posts. It rather went South, from 3$ to 0.13$. A -94% dive. Down the toilet?drain. Arrange that you don’t post there anymore but keep FUDing here, when you don’t own the stock. What a scam! LOL Topert told PYR investors to sell as to buy XEBEC. XEBEC is bankrupt like all Topert's ideas. LOL
Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Hey Toppert1. We too have a good memory. Your top pick XEBEC went bankrupt. And we remember when you were promoting your other too pick XEBEC at 3$, and that its next leg was supposed to be 6-8$ according to your many posts. It rather went South, from 3$ to 0.13$. A -94% dive. Down the toilet?drain. Arrange that you don’t post there anymore but keep FUDing here, when you don’t own the stock. What a scam! LOL
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