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PyroGenesis Inc T.PYR

Alternate Symbol(s):  PYRGF

PyroGenesis Inc., formerly PyroGenesis Canada Inc., is a Canada-based high-tech company. The Company is engaged in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes and sustainable solutions which reduce greenhouse gases (GHG). The Company has created proprietary, patented and advanced plasma technologies that are used in four markets: iron ore palletization, aluminum, waste management, and additive manufacturing. It provides engineering and manufacturing expertise, contract research, as well as turnkey process equipment packages to the defense, metallurgical, mining, additive manufacturing (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. Its products and services include plasma atomized metal powders, aluminum and zinc dross recovery, waste management, plasma torches, and innovation/custom process development. It offers PUREVAP, which is a high purity metallurgical grade silicon and solar grade silicon from quartz.

TSX:PYR - Post by User

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  • PyritetrapX
Comment by Pyritetrapon Jan 13, 2025 4:15am
Post# 36400594


Thinkbigsti69 wrote:
Pyritetrap wrote:
Thinkbigsti69 wrote: Just another fudster nothing more. False info is all he is about.

Lie lies lies
Show us where there is false information from my post. Use a reference.
You have no shares in any stocks yet you bash and trash others investments. Way to go shorter boy. LOL

Looks like I am renting quite a bit I'd space in your head-looking up my posting history

Did you notice that every stock I have followed and been negative on has ultimately gone down 70-95%?
So I am 100% correct on predicting which stocks will fail,  y carefully analyzing finacials and exposing the false narrative.
Welcome to the harsh light of truth to expose posers like you.
See I spend my time doing hard core research instead ofcreaying all sorts of false posting names to  voting for myself and create a superficial legitimacy by being the "top poster" in votes.
I let my predictions and posting history of accuracy and honesty make my reputation.
People know that you and your cabal of pumpers just say FUD, shorter, but I say PROVE IT.
I show facts with references and say show me where I am wrong or being untruthful.
You guys won't and can't because I reference the actual company data.
So like uneducated people in history that prosecute minorities, witches whatever-you call names and rely on a cabal of false aliases to make your claims. I rely on data
The tape tells the truth in the long run, which is why I say-please dissect my posting history and look at the 100% record.
Now about you'You lie, and are down overb90% 
Your talk of future contracts never materialized into profits
People have lost following your suggestion to buy
Sucksnto lose money
Aint no future in losing in the world if finance

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