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PyroGenesis Inc T.PYR

Alternate Symbol(s):  PYRGF

PyroGenesis Inc., formerly PyroGenesis Canada Inc., is a Canada-based high-tech company. The Company is engaged in the design, development, manufacture and commercialization of advanced plasma processes and sustainable solutions which reduce greenhouse gases (GHG). The Company has created proprietary, patented and advanced plasma technologies that are used in four markets: iron ore palletization, aluminum, waste management, and additive manufacturing. It provides engineering and manufacturing expertise, contract research, as well as turnkey process equipment packages to the defense, metallurgical, mining, additive manufacturing (including 3D printing), oil and gas, and environmental industries. Its products and services include plasma atomized metal powders, aluminum and zinc dross recovery, waste management, plasma torches, and innovation/custom process development. It offers PUREVAP, which is a high purity metallurgical grade silicon and solar grade silicon from quartz.

TSX:PYR - Post by User

Post by HARJAYon Jan 19, 2025 11:08am
Post# 36410951

From the CEO site - FYI

From the CEO site - FYI@Vestor111@ToolmanTim. Interesting. Clearly $PYR will have to make a lot of FSRs to satisfy global demand. I have to wonder, once PYR irons out the 1000TPY FSR and start to ramp production, how many FSRs could they build a year? Original post:

@ToolmanTimHis "rough order of magnitude" napkin math is pretty interesting (at 16:20ish) Please correct me if I don't have the math right or misunderstood anything. Just a single 1000 tonnes/year system = 1,000,000 kg/year of which you maybe have 90% efficiency... so perhaps you can sell 900,000 kg/year. Assume an average selling price of around $8 USD/kg and you get about $7,200,000 USD/year from just that 1 machine. Let's call it $7,000,000 USD. Profit margin EBITDA of around 70% and conversion to CAD ... about $7,000,000 CAD/year per machine. $7MM USD x 0.7 x 1.45 (exchange today) = 7,105,000 CAD/year (per machine) . Again, let's call it $7,000,000 CAD. Currently just in Canada the market is 16MM tonnes which would mean 16 machines.... 16 x $7MM CAD = $112,000,000 CAD / year EBITDA if they capture the whole market in Canada. Globally is 1MM tonnes = 1 Billion kilos x $8USD/kg = $8 Billion USD/ year with a profit margin of around 70% EBITDA and conversion to CAD = $8 Billion EBITDA Canadian/year .... and a 5% royalty on that = $400,000,000 CAD/year (one can dream :o) and all of this assumes a static market with no growth or no new consumption from entities that have not been able to use the current HCl contaminated commercial product

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