Comment by Mostlyseriouson Jan 22, 2025 8:26am

Post# 36414710
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:2 years minimum per torch
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:2 years minimum per torchSlow adoption or slow business development is a significant risk factor for undercapitalized companies. Money generally comes from revenues, equity financing or borrowing. And you need enough of it to cover expenses.
Pretty basic business synopsis, but allows you to think about risks when evaluating companies. In other words, exciting technologies are but only one element contributing to shareholder eventual prosperity.
Those touting the backlog are not honestly mentioning that it is still short of what the company needs to even break even. Money will need to come from somewhere, and yes, I am aware of the recent $ receipts....just like I am aware that much more is needed to cover costs.