Post by GG20200on Feb 04, 2021 4:10pm

Post# 32474781
Physical Silver now fetching $40 us vs Paper Silver $26.50
Physical Silver now fetching $40 us vs Paper Silver $26.50Do you see the huge discrepancy between Physical Silver versus Paper Silver ?
The market for physical silver are in tight supply and some are facing shortages, the retail buyers are willing to pay $40.00 us or even $50.00 us for 1 oz Silver Silver Eagle. While the spot price or paper price of silver that's constantly manipulated down with naked silver paper shorting by the bankers......... are trading at a ridiculously low price of $26.50 right now.
Some retail buyers that plays the silver futures are taking advantage of these low prices and taking physical delivery for those 1000 oz silver bars... because silver price are extremely undervalued compare to other precious metals like Gold, Palladium, and etc.,/
The bankers already losing grip and unable to hold silver down .... i said it before Silver will run back to $27-$29 and ultimately takeout the $30.00 and go into a maniac rally similar to gamestop. Many bankers going to lose their shirt and underwear once Silver go over $30.00 and beyond ( massive massive short squeeze ... tons of money will be piling in driving paper silver prices to $50.00 ~~> $75.00 ~~> $180.00 ~~> and so on,.
The crook exchange already raised margins on Silver when it was near $30.00 /// they can't do it again when silver are about to kick the $30.00 door down real soon. The bankers are fighting for their life right now, they know Silver will eventually breakout of the $30.00 and they going to face massive losses in their naked shorting.
The market for physical silver right now are selling silver at $40.00-$50.00 oz usd
The paper silver which is manipulated by the bankers are trading at $26.50
The lconstant manipulation of rigging silver down are now BACK FIRING ON THESE BANKERS
Their days of facing huge losses are coming ... these bankers know and they're doing all sorts of tricks and frauds in the hope of keeping the paper silver down a little longer.