Comment by GG20200on Feb 07, 2021 8:06pm

Post# 32497465
RE:RE:Silver will run back to $27.00-$29.00 again
RE:RE:Silver will run back to $27.00-$29.00 againnah.. u too pessimistic
Silver only requires 30 to 40 big investors to run up the Silver Futures or about few hundred mid size speculators to take out the $30.00.
Remember while the silver price starts running back up to $27-$29 ... you see even more speculators and investors jump back in. Silver price is very cheap right now, there's more than enough money to takeout the $30.00 and cause another maniac rally. Takeout $30.00 // the Silver floodgate breaks open
that's when u see Silver do a GME and rocket to the moon.