Post by GG20200on Feb 07, 2021 8:22pm

Post# 32497511
Last year in early to mid 2020.. Jewelry demand for Gold
Last year in early to mid 2020.. Jewelry demand for GoldLast year in early to mid 2020... Jewelry demand for Gold was low and investment demand for Gold was very high.
By Q4 2020.. Jewelry demand shot back up to high demand and investment demand for gold went back down due to many gold manipulation takedown.
Wil the investment demand for gold return in 2021 ?
Gold price basically stuck in a trading range ..
BUY at $1800 and below <> SELL when it gets near $1900
The criminal organization put a ceiling on gold at $1900 ,,, for the big money to return to gold it needs to takeout $1900 us ( $1900 is the BREAKOUT )
Chinese Jewelry Demand for gold is very high in Q4 2020
Expect GOLD JEWELRY DEMAND FROM CHINA to go even higher in Q1 2021 due to the coming Feb CHINESE LUNAR NEW. ( The extremely high jewelry demand for gold going to offset the lower investment gold demand.
Keep in mind, if Gold takes out $1900 in the coming weeks.. you could see the INVESTMEND DEMAND FOR GOLD suddenly skyrocket similar to early and mid 2020 Gold Rally.
You never sell gold when it's trading at its low, you only sell gold when it's trading at all time high.
I believe the coming SILVER RALLY will lead the charge and GOLD will tag along with Silver.