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Bitcoin Fund Units Class A T.QBTC

The Bitcoin Fund (the Fund) is a Canada-based closed-ended investment fund. The investment objectives of the Fund are to seek to provide unitholders of the Fund with exposure to the digital asset bitcoin (bitcoin) and the daily price movements of the United States dollar price of bitcoin, and the opportunity for long-term capital appreciation. The Fund invests in long-term holdings of bitcoin, purchased from reputable bitcoin trading platforms and OTC counterparties, in order to provide investors with an alternative to a direct investment in bitcoin.

TSX:QBTC - Post by User

Comment by balduccion Feb 19, 2021 7:45pm
Post# 32616738

RE:RE:RE:Help please: QBTC Trading Price is below its Net Asset Value

RE:RE:RE:Help please: QBTC Trading Price is below its Net Asset ValueThe following is cut and pasted from reddit (which is cut and pasted from yahoo). 

[Btw, is it demeaning if I beg for some reputation/karma points. Lol.] 

This is a cut an paste from a poster 'Dave' on yahoo:

Yesterday morning I was concerned when I saw the differential between NAV and fund price. first thing I did was call 3iQ since I have a contact there (spoken to them several times last year).

Basically 3iQ confirmed that yes you can easily call your broker the day before annual Redemption so June 15th... you're basically guaranteed net asset value of Bitcoin. I bought more shares yesterday morning and bought some more again this morning so great to get a discount instead of paying premium.

FYI they are well aware of what's going on especially since they have their own open fund that they are releasing.

also they will have some announcement likely next week which they could not elaborate so that will be interesting

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