Comment by Seamus2021on Feb 21, 2021 11:46am

Post# 32621536
RE:RE:3iq Twitter Feed
RE:RE:3iq Twitter FeedMy guess is:
1) the discount will reduce significantly in the next few days due to market efficiency and at a minimumum will be at or close to parity by the redemption date. This could be accelerated by share buying within the trust as raised as a possibility in the Twitter statement;
2) worst case scenario, we can all redeem for NAV (less a couple of percent for costs) at June 15. It doesnt really matter if there is a run on the fund as they hold BTC to cover all units; and
3) in the meantime, 3iq (who are no dummies) could adjust their fee structure or somehow roll the trust into the ETF, though i am not sure the mechanics of that.