Post by
heardaroundtown on Aug 16, 2024 10:02am
Does anyone know if and how many ,shares the company has purchased in their buy back program ?
Why do they talk aboutacquistions when they have such a low share price?
Comment by
westcoastlogger on Aug 16, 2024 10:06am
The only thing I've heard was mention of the NCIB on the CC yesterday and they said they will or are taking advantage of it when conditions present themselves.
Comment by
heardaroundtown on Aug 16, 2024 11:54am
Where do they expect to get the funds to pay for any aquistions?Borrow or do an other underwritting?These guys are going to continue pushing the SP down as long as they continue to run /create a loosing quarter after quarter,.I almost get the impression that they are creating these loses on purpose.For what reason I have my suspecions i.e. doing a LBO ?