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Rupert Resources Ltd T.RUP

Alternate Symbol(s):  RUPRF

Rupert Resources Ltd. is a Canada-based gold exploration and development company. The Company’s principal focus is Ikkari, which is a gold discovery in Northern Finland. Ikkari is part of the Company’s Rupert Lapland Project, which also includes the Pahtavaara gold mine, mill, and exploration permits (Pahtavaara). The Rupert Lapland Project is located within the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt (CLGB), part of the Fennoscandian shield, which hosts 1700 known incidences of mineralization in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia, including around 80 mines. The Company also holds a 20% carried participating interest in the Gold Centre property located adjacent to the Red Lake mine in Ontario. The Gold Centre property lies to the southeast and within the shadow of the headframe of Evolution Mining’s Red Lake Mine (which has produced 23.8 M ounces of gold at an average grade of greater than 1/2-ounce gold per ton (or greater than 15.6 g/t).

TSX:RUP - Post by User

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  • Nodga2000X
Post by Nodga2000on Sep 13, 2021 4:34am
Post# 33847327

Maiden Resource Out

Maiden Resource OutHow about this - we knew Ikkari was big given the drill results, but now it is confirmed for real!

I particularly like this from James's quote:

"We believe the demonstrated size, grade, cohesive mineralisation and growth potential, combined with non-refractory metallurgy and proximity to infrastructure, positions Ikkari as one of the most high-quality advanced exploration-stage assets of recent years.”
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